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File List  |  1994-07-26  |  6KB  |  83 lines

  1. BBL_CVR.ZIP   [0]  Bible Covers - Instructions
  2. BEATT.ZIP     [0]  Christian Attitudes Tutorial
  3. BJ1N17.ZIP    [0]  BIBLE JUMBLES 1 - NAMES V.1.7 ASP Bible word
  4.                                | game, scrambles Bible names.A Bible word game
  5.                                | reminiscent of the Tower of Babel or
  6.                                | newspaper Jumble.
  7. CATH_03.ZIP   [0]  Differences between Roman Catholic teaching
  8.                                | and the Bible
  9. CELB0694.ZIP  [0]  Jan-Jun94 issues of CELEBRATE LIFE magazine
  10. CELB0794.ZIP  [0]  CELEBRATE - Jul/Aug Mag of Am Life League
  11.                                | (ALL)
  12. CHCLIP01.ZIP  [0]  Christian Clipart (pcx) part 1/4
  13. CHCLIP02.ZIP  [0]  Christian Clipart (pcx) part 2/4
  14. CHCLIP03.ZIP  [0]  Christian Clipart (pcx) part 3/4
  15. CHCLIP04.ZIP  [0]  Christian Clipart (pcx) part 4/4
  17.                                | listing is current as of 14 May 1994.
  18.                                | The BBS name is CHRNET05.ZIP. CompuServe
  19.                                | name is CNET05.ZIP.
  20.                                | The next scheduled update will be on
  21.                                | 11 June 1994.
  22.                                | How to update this listing is included
  23.                                | on the main listing file. Originators of
  24.                                | Networks should read the !README.NOW file.
  25.                                | All others may disregard it. By cutting off
  26.                                | the lower portion of the main file, this
  27.                                | listing can easily be used in SUPRSCAN 3.14
  28.                                | by Michael Conley. Suggestions wanted!
  29. CULTINFO.ZIP  [0]  Information on Cults, computer technology,
  30.                                | and an opportunity for Christians to become
  31.                                | involved.
  32. DHARMBBS.ZIP  [0]  Buddhist Resources - BBS Directory (6/8/94)
  33. GOSPEL10.ZIP  [0]  GOSPEL PARALLELS-Side by side NT Bible
  34.                                | All 4 gospels appear on screen side by
  35.                                | side for reading, scrolling, word
  36.                                | search and studying. Includes notepad,
  37.                                | chronological index & instant parallel
  38.                                | passage displays.
  39. MVERSE32.ZIP  [0]  MEMORY VERSE 3.2 Bible verse helps
  40.                                | user to memorize important Scripture
  41.                                | passages. Many verses included. User
  42.                                | can add/edit to database of verses.
  43.                                | Mouse and printer support. KJV & NIV
  44. ONLYISM.ZIP   [0]  "King James Onlyism in Action" by Peter
  45.                                | Ruckman (zipped)
  46. SCIENT03.ZIP  [0]  Internet FAQ (answers to freq. asked
  47.                                | qns.) on Scientology, its creed and credo.
  48. SIGNS10.ZIP   [0]  How can we be convinced that Jesus is the
  49.                                | Messiah?  ** freeware ** 16 ascii pages.
  50.                                | The  author,  Risto Santala,  studies  the
  51.                                | theme  in  the  light  of  the  Bible  and
  52.                                | Rabbinical writings.  The following topics
  53.                                | are studied:"1) Was there really a certain
  54.                                | time when the Messiah had to come?  2)  Is
  55.                                | it   really   correct  to  believe  in   a
  56.                                | suffering Messiah?  3)  The  signs  of the
  57.                                | Messiah."   Jewish  sources mentioned  are
  58.                                | Talmud,   Sidur,  Midrash,  LXX,   Aramaic
  59.                                | Targums and Zohar.  Rabbis  mentioned are:
  60.                                | Ibn Ezra,  Jochanan Ben Zakkai, Abrabanel,
  61.                                | Moshe  Alsheich,  Eliah De Vidas,  Kimchi,
  62.                                | Joseph Rabinowitz,  Samuel Ben Yizhak  and
  63.                                | Rashi.   These bible  talks  were given in
  64.                                | Moscow to Messianic Jews, Autumn 1992.
  65. SQ502.ZIP     [0]  SCRIPTURE QUEST In-depth Bible Q&A game
  66.                                | Tests Bible knowledge with over 1600
  67.                                | questions. 1-9 players. Play against
  68.                                | the clock. Top ten score chart. Great
  69.                                | way to learn about the Bible. Very
  70.                                | attractively done, and challenging.
  71. WWHEBREW.ZIP  [0]  ┌{ Hebrew Language Reference for WordWise }┐
  72.                                | │ Free to owners  of  the  WordWise  Daily │
  73.                                | │ Scripture Calendar.  (Look for WWFORWIN) │
  74.                                | └──────────────────────────────────────────┘
  75. WWSEASON.ZIP  [0]  ┌{ Hebrew Calandar reference for WordWise }┐
  76.                                | │ Free to owners  of  the  WordWise  Daily │
  77.                                | │ Scripture Calendar.  (Look for WWFORWIN) │
  78.                                | └──────────────────────────────────────────┘
  79. WWTABLET.ZIP  [0]  ┌{ 10 Commandments Reference for WordWise }┐
  80.                                | │ Free to owners  of  the  WordWise  Daily │
  81.                                | │ Scripture Calendar.  (Look for WWFORWIN) │
  82.                                | └──────────────────────────────────────────┘